
Throught the #musekids action, Pan Tadeusz Museum proves that it's never too early to interact with culture, and that a visit to the museum or an art gallery can be attractive for parents with even very young kids. Let's make museums fashionable together!
While planning a family weekend, many parents face dilemmas – they're concerned that their kids may get bored at a museum, that they could accidentally damage something or disturb other visitors. They wonder if babies are even allowed at art galleries and museums, or if there's space for feeding them and changing nappies, or simply – how can one prepare for a trip like this. The goal of the #muzealniaki action, initiated by the Pan Tadeusz Museum, is to prove that a visit to a museum or an art gallery can be an exciting adventure for children and parents.
Pan Tadeusz Museum and other institutions are becoming increasingly open to diverse groups of guests – even the youngest ones. Exhibition projects include audiovisual and multimedia elements, which makes them more accessible for younger audience. Discovering history – especially from the perspective of a child, curious about the world, driven by imagination and not yet limited by the school pressure – can be fascinating for parents too. A baby can become a great companion during sightseeing, while older kids, encouraged to explore culture, can gain a lot from a museum visit. The #musekids action is designed to have a positive social impact as well.
Our partners who joined us in the #muzealniaki actions are kids-friendly museums and galleries from all around Lower Silesia region. On our list, you can find many places worth visiting on a family trip. MPK Wrocław – the public transport provider – also declared its help in facilitating access to kids-friendly culture venues.
How to join us?
- Simply visit a museum or an art gallery with your child. Show other parents that you had fun, encourage your friends to join the challenge.
- Take a photo with your child in a museum or an art gallery.
- Add the photo to your Facebook or Instagram profile and add the #musekids tag.
- Tag the venue the picture was taken at, for example #muzeumpanatadeusza.
- You can find special #muzealniaki stickers in places which support our action.
#musekids prove that museums and galleries are suitable for children of all ages
#musekids encourage parents and their children to explore art and culture
#musekids means kids of all ages – babies, preschoolers and schoolkids too
#musekids make museums fashionable!
Pan Tadeusz Museum
National Ossoliński Institute
Fundacja Fundacja Art Transparent
BAW! Baby Art Walk
BWA Wrocław – Contemporary Art Galleries
WRO Art Center
Zajezdnia History Center
National Museum in Wrocław
Ethnographic Museum in Wrocław
The Panorama of Racławice
The Four Domes Pavillion in Wrocław
Museum of Architecture in Wrocław
Museum of Post and Telecommunication in Wrocław