For the purposes of these Regulations, the following terms shall be defined as follows:
- Museum – Pan Tadeusz Museum run by the National Ossolinski Institute at Rynek 6, 50–106 Wrocław.
- Permanent Exhibition – an exhibition including Rękopis “Pana Tadeusza” and Misja exhibitions: Poland.
- Temporary Exhibition – an exhibition that is not an integral part of the permanent exhibition, located outside its area.
- System – the system of online booking and purchase of Tickets available at:
- Visitor – a person staying on the premises of the Museum who has purchased an ticket of admission to the Exhibition and/or events organized at the Museum or received a free ticket.
- Box Office – a designated place in the Museum where Tickets can be purchased.
- Educator – a person who, in cooperation and in consultation with the Museum, acts as a guide to the Permanent Exhibition or Temporary Exhibition, or conducts a Museum Lesson.
- Museum Lesson, Museum Art Workshops – educational activities conducted at the Museum.
- Ticket – a ticket stating the right to enter the Exhibition, Temporary Exhibition or other events taking place at the Museum on a specific day and time.
- Ticket Price List – specifies the applicable Ticket prices, the rules for purchasing Tickets and the rights to discounts; is available at the Museum Box Office and on the Website.
- Website – the website of the Museum available at:
- These regulations are issued by the National Ossolinski Institute as the institution running the Museum and define the rules for visiting it.
- The Museum is open to visitors from Tuesday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- The Museum reserves the right to temporarily exclude part of the Exhibition from visiting without informing the visitors in advance.
- Only guides authorized by the Museum have the right to tour the permanent and temporary exhibitions.
- Children up to 14 years old may stay at the Museum only under adult supervision.
- The Museum has a self-service and free cloakroom and paid luggage lockers.
- Unless otherwise stated, visiting the Exhibition and participation in the events available as part
of the Museum's program offer are payable, and the current prices and types of Tickets and services available at the Museum are specified in the Ticket Price List. - Tickets can be purchased at the Box Office or via the System.
- The sale of tickets is regulated by separate “Regulations for the sale and booking of ticket of admissions to the Pan Tadeusz Museum” posted on the Museum Website.
- Museum Lessons and Museum Art Workshops are available only to organized school groups after prior booking and confirmation by email by a Museum employee. The Museum reserves the right to cancel the booking at any time when there is a justified suspicion that the institution booking the date is not a school institution.
- Booking a Museum Lesson and Museum Artistic Workshops must be performed electronically
via the form available in the System. - A Museum Lesson or a Museum Art Workshop booking made shall each time be confirmed by email by the Museum; it shall not be valid if it is not confirmed in this way.
- A Museum Lesson and a Museum Art Workshop must be purchased at the Museum Box Office before the scheduled Lesson or Workshop begins, or paid via the System, in accordance with the information sent by email by the Museum employee.
- During the Museum Lesson and the Museum Artistic Workshops, the group is obliged to follow the Educator's instructions. There is one Educator per group of up to 15 people.
- The topics and description of the Museum Lessons and Art Workshops can be found on the Website.
- Unless stated otherwise, a Museum Lesson shall be performed only on the fragment of the Exhibition selected by the Educator, directly related to the topic of the Museum Lesson.
- Purchasing a Museum Lesson or Museum Art Workshops shall not give you the right to visit the entire Exhibition.
- As part of its program offer, the Museum also organizes admission free events. Information on free events is available at the Box Office and on the Website.
- The purchase of Tickets and the receipt of tickets to events are possible subject to availability of places.
- Tickets booked in the System by Visitors must be paid for no later than 30 minutes after making the booking, otherwise the booking shall be automatically canceled.
- Entry to the Exhibition shall be possible on the basis of a Ticket, which clearly specifies the date and time of entry. It is impossible to enter the Exhibition on a date or time other than that indicated on the ticket.
- At the Box Office, you can buy tickets along with the available visiting options, both in cash in Polish zlotys and with a payment card from Tuesday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The list of supported payment cards is available at the Box Office.
- A request for an invoice should be submitted at the time of purchasing tickets online or at the Box Office, before purchasing the ticket.
- The Museum does not refund fees for unused tickets for the Exhibition, fees for Museum Lessons, Museum Art Workshops and for Tickets to Temporary Exhibitions, concerts or special events not being an integral part of the Exhibition, as well as for gadgets, publications and any other products purchased at the Museum, if the failure to use them was not due to the fault of the Museum.
- The booking may be canceled at any time by the Museum employees in case of maintenance and/or servicing activities for the devices located in the Museum.
- The area of the Museum is protected and monitored with the use of electronic security systems.
- While on the premises of the Museum, one should behave in a manner that does not violate the dignity of other Visitors, allowing them to use the devices and places intended for visiting in a comfortable manner.
- During your stay at the Museum, you must follow the instructions of the Museum employees. It is allowed to move only in the areas and facilities provided for this purpose and to use the devices in accordance with their intended purpose.
- A Museum employee may refuse admission to the Exhibition or Temporary Exhibition or other event organized by the Museum, if the presented ticket does not entitle the person to visit it.
- The Museum employees must be notified of any adverse events and its instructions must be strictly adhered to.
- In the event of a direct threat to the health or life of visitors, the Museum reserves the right to discontinue the services provided.
- Museum employees have the right to intervene and request people who do not comply with the Visiting Regulations to leave the Museum. Visitors are not entitled to any claims in this respect.
- People entering the Museum premises and their luggage may be inspected, inter alia, with the use of electronic devices for the detection of hazardous materials and objects. Persons who refuse to undergo check or return their luggage to the cloakroom shall not be allowed on the premises of the Museum, and a Museum employee may refuse to accept the luggage if it exceeds the storage capacity.
At the area of the Exhibition and the Temporary Exhibition, the following shall be prohibited:
- Eating meals, drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco and e-cigarettes.
- Entering with any vehicle except wheelchairs and prams.
- Bringing in and out of animals, except guide dogs for the blind.
- Climbing furniture and Museum exhibits constituting an integral part of the exhibition.
- Slipping on floors and stairs and using the lift inconsistently with its intended purpose, including mechanical blocking of the door and sticking up the buttons operating the lift.
- Carrying flags on poles, banners, posters, advertisements, canvassing and direct sales.
- Organizing demonstrations, assemblies, advertising and protest actions, as well as conducting
business and artistic activities. - Bringing weapons, items and measures that may threaten life, health and safety, with particular emphasis on all elements of cold weapons and firearms or pyrotechnic materials.
- Entering the Museum premises under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants.
- Using musical instruments, radios and other sound equipment.
- Using mobile phones and other electronic devices in the exhibition rooms in a way that makes it difficult for others to visit them; using personal headphones is recommended.
- Photographing and filming in the Museum building with the use of flash lamps, permanent lighting systems and monopods, tripods, telescopic arms, grips, etc. without the consent of the Museum.
- Photographing and/or filming elements of security, monitoring and fire protection systems.
- It is prohibited to bring to the Museum means of direct coercion, weapons, dangerous objects, explosives, corrosive and other materials considered dangerous. This prohibition does not apply to persons entitled to possess and use these items on the basis of separate regulations, in particular the persons referred to in Article 2 paragraph 1 of the Act of May 24, 2013 on measures of direct coercion and firearms (Journal of Laws of 2017, item 1120).
- The following persons shall not be admitted to the premises of the Museum:
1) who bringing dangerous objects or materials;
2) under the influence of alcohol, psychoactive substances or intoxicants;
3) whose attire contains an element that offends other people because of their religion, color, nationality, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability or political opinion;
4) whose behavior offends other people because of their religion, color, nationality, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability or political beliefs.
- The Museum reserves the right not to admit to the Museum premises or to ask to leave the premises people who do not comply with the provisions of the Regulations.
- A User who is a natural person consents to the processing of personal data by making a statement as follows: “Pursuant to the Act of August 29, 1997 on the Personal Data Protection
(consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2014, item 1182, as amended) and with Article 13 of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and the repeal of Directive 95/46/EC (Journal of Laws UE L 119/1, May 4, 2016) - I consent to the processing of my personal data by National Ossolinski Institute as the data controller, to the extent necessary for the needs of online booking and sale of tickets. Providing data is voluntary, but necessary to make a booking; I have the right to access my data and correct it”.
- The applicable regulations are available on the Website and at the Museum Box Office.
- The Regulations shall be valid from 06/09/2021.
For the purposes of these Regulations, the following terms shall be defined as follows:
- Museum – Pan Tadeusz Museum run by the National Ossolinski Institute at Rynek 6, 50–106 Wrocław.
- System – the system of online booking and purchase of Tickets available at:
- Service – electronic payment service provided by: Krajowy Integrator Płatności S.A., ul. Św. Marcin 73/6, 61-808 Poznań with separate regulations available at:
- Website – the website of the Museum available at:
- User – a person purchasing Tickets in the System.
- Box Office – a designated place in the Museum where Tickets can be purchased.
- Visitor – a person staying on the premises of the Museum who has purchased an ticket of admission to the Exhibition and/or events organized at the Museum.
- Registration – creating an account in the System by the User.
- Permanent Exhibition – an exhibition including Rękopis “Pana Tadeusza” and Misja exhibitions: Poland.
- Temporary Exhibition – an exhibition that is not an integral part of the permanent exhibitions, located outside their area.
- Ticket – a ticket stating the right to enter the Exhibition, Temporary Exhibition or other events taking place at the Museum on a specific day and time.
- Individual Booking – booking of regular and/or reduced tickets by the System User.
- Group Booking – booking of museum lessons/workshops by the System User.
- Ticket Price List – specifies the applicable Ticket prices, the rules for purchasing Tickets and the rights to discounts; is available at the Museum Box Office and on the Website.
- These regulations are issued by the National Ossolinski Institute as the institution running the Museum and define the rules for the sale and booking of Tickets.
- Visiting the Museum and participation in selected events made available as part of the Museum's program offer are payable, unless otherwise stated in the event description.
- The purchase of tickets and booking of places for events is possible subject to availability of places.
- By starting to use the System, the User declares that he/she has read the provisions of these Regulations and the Pan Tadeusz Museum Visiting Regulations available on the Website and accepts their terms.
- The Ticket and available visiting options Price List is available at the Box Office and on the Website.
- Tickets can be purchased at the Box Office or via the System.
- A User who intends to make a Group Booking must first register in the System. The User has the right to access his/her data and correct it at any time.
- A User who intends to make an Individual Booking may use the possibility of registering in the System or make a booking without registration.
- A prerequisite for registration in the System is the correct completion of the mandatory fields of the registration form.
- Each User registering in the System shall receive a return message to the email address provided in the form, containing information about the acceptance of the application and Account Registration in the System.
- Removal of an individual account and Use's personal data from the System shall occur by sending a request to remove the account to the email address:
- Reduced tickets are available to students (with a school/student ID card) up to the age of 26, pensioners (on the basis of an ID card), people with disabilities (on the basis of an ID card/disability certificate). The current Ticket Price List with the available variants is available on the Website and at the Box Office.
- A free ticket is available to: holders of the Pole's Card, people over 75 years old, children up to 6 years old, guardians of disabled people (disabled people buy an ticket of admission in accordance with the price list), National Ossolinski Institute employees (on the basis of an ID), museum employees (on the basis of an ID card), ICOM card holders.
- A family ticket is available for a group of 2 to 6 people, of which at least 1 person must be over 18 years old and at least one under 18 years old; a maximum of 2 adults can use the family ticket.
- Visitors who make an Individual Booking in the System are required to purchase tickets no later than 30 minutes after making it.
- Exceeding the dates specified in § 3 (9) results in the automatic cancellation of the booking. The User shall be informed by email about the cancellation of the booking in the System. Canceled bookings shall become available again in the System for all Users.
- At the Box Office, you can buy tickets along with the available visiting options, both in cash in Polish zlotys and with a payment card from Tuesday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The list of supported payment cards is available at the Box Office.
- Tickets for visiting the permanent exhibitions can be purchased no later than 30 minutes before the closing of the Museum.
- A request for an invoice should be submitted at the time of purchasing tickets online or at the Box Office, before purchasing the ticket.
- Payment for tickets booked in the System shall be performed via the Service.
- A User who is a natural person making a payment via the Service agrees to the processing of personal data by making a statement as follows: “I hereby consent to my personal data, as a person paying for the tickets along with the available options for visiting the Pan Tadeusz Museum run by the National Ossolinski Institute, being transferred to Krajowy Integrator Płatności S.A., ul. Św. Marcin 73/6, 61-808 Poznań and processed to the extent necessary to make payments to National Ossolinski Institute, including name, surname, address and email address. Providing data is voluntary, but necessary for payment; I have the right to access my data and correct it”.
- If the event does not take place for reasons attributable to the Museum, the Museum shall accept returns of tickets purchased online and refund the amount paid using the same payment channels (cash, card or online payment) with which the payment was made.
- Purchased tickets are not refundable and cannot be exchanged for tickets at a different price or for a different event or date of the event.
- Pursuant to Article 38 (12) of the Act of May 30, 2014 on consumer rights (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 827), the right to withdraw from a distance contract is not available to the consumer in relation to services related to cultural events, if the contract indicates the day or period of service provision.
- A User who is a natural person consents to the processing of personal data by making a statement as follows: “Pursuant to the Act of August 29, 1997 on the Personal Data Protection
(consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2014, item 1182, as amended) and with Article 13 of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and the repeal of Directive 95/46/EC (Journal of Laws UE L 119/1, May 4, 2016) - I consent to the processing of my personal data by National Ossolinski Institute as the data controller, to the extent necessary for the needs of online booking and sale of tickets.
Providing data is voluntary, but necessary to make a booking; I have the right to access my data and correct it”. - The Museum informs that the User's personal data may be processed by Softcom Spółka jawna with its registered office in Wrocław (Softcom Spółka jawna, Piotr Szuba, Tomasz Wierzbowski, al. Kasztanowa 18-20, 53-125 Wrocław), on the basis of an agreement concluded with the Museum in accordance with the Act of August 29, 1997 on the Personal
Data Protection (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2014, item 1182, as amended) and Article 13 of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of
27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and the repeal of Directive 95/46/EC (Journal of Laws UE L 119/1, May 4, 2016) of the contract for entrusting the processing of personal data, only for the purpose and to the extent necessary to perform the IT service of the System. - The Museum is not responsible for the consequences of providing false or incorrect data by the User in the Registration form. This also applies to the provision of individual account data to third parties and transactions made by unauthorized third parties who gained access to the User's account as a result of failure to observe the precautionary rules when using the individual login and password to the account.
- The Museum is not responsible for the inability to log into the System or for interruptions and errors in its operation resulting from any reasons beyond the Museum's control.
- The Museum is not responsible for messages or data lost on the Internet for reasons beyond the Museum's control.